Seller Frequently Asked Questions.

Selling on ArtGidi is simple and FREE, zero monthly subscription fees, zero listing fees, we only take a commission when we have successfully made a sale for you, so you have nothing to lose.

ArtGidi will handle the packing and shipping your products to any destination in the world. We have partnered with world leading logistic companies to make this possible

However, you will be required to send your work to our office in Lagos, so we can handle the final delivery for you.

We make sure you get paid directly to your nominated account as soon as your work is delivered to the customer and they are happy with it. This typically can take 7 to 14 days depending on which side of the world we are delivery the work to.

No, there is no obligation on you to give any percentage to AoG. We encourage our Artists to give some percentage of their proceed to charitable work no matter how some. It could be one out of every five work your upload or more or nothing

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